Journey into a new life….

My name is Maxine, I’m 23 years old, was born in Germany and I am currently living in Georgia, USA. I’ve found myself practicing some quite unhealthy habits on a daily basis that not only are unhealthy for me but also keep me from being productive and chasing my dreams and finally becoming the person I really want to be someday. I want to start creating new habits and keep practicing them on a everyday basis. This blog should help me stay on track and in my daily entries I want to review my day and figure out what went well and what needs some focus still. Also, it might help me become a little more creative and practice my English writing skills.

I read a lot of blogs, watched a lot of YouTube videos and also been to a live event held by a lifecoach back in Germany so I would say I have a good amount of knowledge on what I could do better to help me create some healthier and more productive habits.. the problem is that I simply do not use my knowledge to perform actions. It starts with a morning and a nighttime routine and also going to bed on time. So I think that will be the first thing I will start working on to create a healthier lifestyle.

From now on, I want to write a daily review, check on my mood and what caused it to change and finally start making some changes and not only wish for them to happen naturally.

If you maybe want to do the same and share the same thoughts and wishes, feel free to contact me and exchange about this topic.

The whole blogging thing is pretty new to me, so please don’t judge. I’m just sharing what’s on my mind right now!
